
Monday, August 02, 2010

Curiosidades Guatemala...Tienda Guatemala

I arrived in Guatemala about 3:30.  The heat is dreadful today, so I'll be taking things a little slower while traveling through Central America.

I found a small store carrying a variety of foods and curios, "Curiosidades Guatemala" or "Tienda Guatemala",  which translates  "Guatemalan Store". This seemed the perfect place to try the cuisine and learn a little more about the country.

At the back of the shop there is a restaurant.  I met the owner, Senor Fasto.  I asked if it would be okay for me to return tomorrow, try the food for lunch and take photos of his place.  He agreed.  So tomorrow between 9-11am I'll go back for a tour of the store and a taste of Guatemala.

Upon leaving, I  wandered down an aisle filled with jars of various pickled fruits and vegetables.  One jar looked as though it contained the tentacles of an octopus.   It was something from a palm tree in brine.  After looking over the selections of unusual canned goods,  I opted for "Jocote", Spanish plums.  I bought a jar.

The plums remind me of the spiced peaches my father buys at Thanksgiving, only without the taste of clove and nutmeg.  We had an unspoken rule at our holiday meals that everyone had to have one peach.   I wasn't crazy about them but I would plunk one on my plate and eat it with my turkey.  This seemed like the polite thing to do.  Now I can't imagine a holiday without them.  I bet to someone in Guatemala, these "Jocote" are just as special.

Adios Amigos,
La Nomade Afortunado

1 comment:

lisa said...

Hey Jennifer, love, love, love this idea! Are you traveling solo?

I thought my husband's fancily was the only family on earth to eat those peaches with thrit Thanksgiving dinner! lOL

Thank you for taking us with you on you world travels in OK. Enjoy your lunch today.
