
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Ssshhh! It's the Weary/Wary Nomad's Birthday!

This year if your special day falls during my Around the World travels you can bet you'll have a foreign theme, the food and gift included.

Today is Lynn's (The Weary/Wary Nomad) birthday!  In case you haven't figured it out, he's my significant other.   And as you can guess, birthdays are not his thing.  In fact he dreads them.  His biggest fear in life is that I'll throw him a surprise party and invite his closest friends.
I've been known to do that but never to him.

One of our favorite shops is owned by a Chinese man.  It's very typical of the long stalls in Shanghai in the market district.  Goods stacked to the ceiling and lots of them.  When we have the urge to visit China and the flights are booked, we stop in here and take a little tour with our guide Mr. Chang.

Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to discuss the name of the shop because it's a wholesale place for artists and decorators.  So I can't post names or locations until otherwise notified.  But I had to share my excursion with you because I promised I would.

Every holiday I struggle with what to get my man who has everything.  Clothes are not an option.  He's too picky and too difficult for clothing.  He has all the latest gadgets.  He's one of those guys that buys the first release or downloads the latest upgrade.  Remember, I'm the gal who just bought an iPhone4G leaving my flip phone behind.  I miss her.

So I thought I'd shop in China for his gift.  However, many of the pieces are very expensive so I would have to find something in my budget.

The door was locked when I arrived but Mr. Chang opened it welcoming me inside.  He's a very, kind and gentle man whom we've gotten to know over the few years.  Visiting his shop is like visiting a museum.  Each time I go, I learn more about Chinese history and art.  We've taken friends and family on several occasions just to meet him and experience his store.  Our last visit was on my birthday.  A group of us stopped in for a look and before we knew it, we were drinking sodas and listening to Mr. Chang play the organ.  I haven't had this experience in any department store recently.  Have you?

I wound through aisles of furniture, brass horses, jade buddhas and giant clay pots.  I opened boxes with cloisonne eggs and frogs while asking questions about age, history and price. I had a couple of things in mind but wanted to look around carefully incase I'd missed that something special.

Then on a back shelf behind a brass gong I found several dusty, red clay teapots.  Mr. Chang told me they were 100+ years old.  He'd bought a case of them back in the 70's.  The Chinese government purchased them from the people in the country for the purpose of reselling them. And if I understood him correctly, he bought them at a government auction in China.  I decided on this one for it's shape and handles.

I'm leaving the tape and dust on it for a more authentic feel.  Besides Lynn likes cleaning and polishing his old treasures and so I don't want to rob him of this pleasure.

Notice the small stamp on top of the lid.  This is the artist's signature.

I know what you maybe thinking.  What man wants a teapot for his birthday?

Well, I'll just tell you that the men in my life are unusual and love unique things.  My grandfather being one of them.  I loved him to bits!  That's him over there to the right with my grandmother.  He had a collection of antique teapots that he'd brought home from around the world.  Most of them came from Asia.  I guess you could say I have a thing for men who like teapots.  I also have a thing for men who collect foo dogs. But that's another story for another trip.  I'll write more on China later.

I also chose this snuff bottle as a gift from Buddy (our dog).  Lynn picked this up during our last visit so I know he'll like it.  It's small and black and white like Buddy.  I think it's perfect for him to give.

After making my selections, I sat and totaled my invoice. He has you do this, which I think is nice.  Mr. Chang offered me a root beer and gathered up a few more items and boxes.  He handed me four small figurines to give to The WN for his birthday along with his best wishes.

We sat a little longer discussing the American and Chinese economies.  As I left I thought of all the people I was meeting from the different countries I visited.  Each person shared something with me that they loved.  Whether food, art, religion or culture, they all had one thing in common.  Passion.  And they have traveled their own long and arduous journeys to get here.  This is the part of travel I love.

Oh, and this present.  Technically, it was made in China.  However, it has nothing to do with travel but everything to do with me being a little bit nerdy.  Okay, A LOT nerdy!

Tonight we'll meet "me mum" in Italy for the birthday celebration!   It's The WN's favorite food and country.

Happy Birthday Lynn!!
I love ya, Jenn

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