
Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Second Reason for Parking My Camel

In my previous entry I mentioned my iPhone 4G as part of the reason I've been so haphazard in posting.  I became so carried away with html coding, or the lack of, that I forgot to mention the other reason I've been away.

I've had my new iPhone now  for a little over two weeks and have not been able to access my iTunes account.  Even though I double and triple checked all of my information it kept telling me that it didn't match my bank's records.  So I called my  bank to verify my data.  If you're wondering why I'm blogging about this, it's because I consider it a visit to a foreign country.  The lady on the other end of the line had an accent and I'm sure she was from Bangladesh.  So that counts.

She confirmed that everything was correct and stayed on the line while I continued my application on iTunes.  Each time I completed the iTunes account info I clicked the tab labeled done and got the same message . . .  The information you have entered does not match your bank's records.  That means I could not purchase anything from iTunes correct?  Correct.

However, while I am talking to the lady she is telling me that for every entry I make and click done, iTunes is charging me a dollar.  So now I'm at 20 clicks, which translates 20.00 and I'm still getting the same message.  Would someone please explain to me how my account is not valid and yet before my eyes the charges are being recorded on my billing information.

I closed iTunes and decided to wait until a later date and try again.  So while I'm giving it a few days, I have a debit card compromised.  Another day goes by and another credit card is compromised.  Now I've had to cut up two cards leaving me no access to an account that I can list on iTunes for payment, which won't accept them anyway.   However, two bozo's are traveling the world using my credit/debit card information to purchase whatever they want whenever they want without any hassle or id.

Today my cards were replaced.  I could now try again to access my account.  I called Apple support and talked to a young guy I'll call Paul.  Finally, after several failed attempts I was able to get one of the cards to work.  I was good to go.  I thanked Paul and asked him if he'd ever had this kind of problem when using his iPhone.  His reply. "I don't have an iPhone.  I don't even have a cell phone.  They're too addictive."  My reply.  "Where were you when I bought this thing?  I could have stayed with my raggedy ole flip phone which never gave me any trouble."

Hmmm, I wonder what Steve Jobs would say?


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